Bath & Stonehenge

We are heading to Bath and Stonehenge.

We’re going to experience two exciting events:

The Winter Solstice at Stonehenge.

A private stargazing session in the backyard of William Herschel’s house (the discoverer of Uranus in 1781) with a replica of the telescope he used for his discovery.

An exclusive trip you can enjoy either partially or in full.

Yes, you can choose to visit only Stonehenge, only Bath, or take part in the entire trip.

The choice is yours!


19/12/2024 - 23/12/2024
With flights included, bed and breakfast accommodation, entry to Stonehenge, transfers between London, Salisbury, and Bath, stargazing session, and a visit to William Herschel’s house. 

from €500/person (Stonehenge or Bath)
or from €800/person (both destinations)

Maximum of 20 spots for Bath. No limit for Stonehenge.



Flexible timing Flight to London and transfer to Salisbury.

From 12:00 - Check-in at the reserved hotel.

Afternoon - Free time to rest or explore Salisbury.


9:30 - Breakfast.

12:00 - Departure to Stonehenge.

12:30 - Visit to Stonehenge. We'll walk from the visitor centre to the monument and explore its history.

16:02 - Winter solstice sunset from the designated observation point, witnessing the alignment with the stone circle.

Around 17:00 - Return to the hotel.

18:30 - Group dinner.


7:00 - Check-out and bus to Stonehenge.

8:09 - Sunrise at Stonehenge. Winter solstice experience with the rest of the attendees (an estimated crowd of over 9,000 people).

9:00 - Return to the hotel to collect luggage. Travel to Bath for those continuing the experience, or return to London for those heading home.

12:00 - Check-in at the hotel in Bath, followed by lunch and a tour of the city.

17:00 - Private astronomical observation at the house of Caroline and William Herschel with the Bath Astronomy Group, using the replica of the telescope used to discover Uranus. Tour of the house-workshop.
If weather conditions do not allow for the private observation, a second opportunity will be available the next day.


9:30 - Breakfast and free time to enjoy Bath. We can take a free tour, visit the Roman Baths, the Royal Crescent, go on a themed tour, visit the Abbey, the Jane Austen Centre, Mary Shelley's Frankenstein's house, the Theatre Royal and the Masonic Museum, the American Museum and its gardens, the Holburne Museum (popularised by the Netflix series "Bridgerton")... and many other options.

17:00 - If we were unable to enjoy the astronomical observation the previous day, we will do it today as a final opportunity. If weather conditions still do not permit, the Bath Astronomy Group will give us an astronomy talk and we will visit the workshop-house of Caroline and William Herschel.

19:30 - Farewell dinner and return to the hotel.


8:00 - Breakfast.

10:00 - Check-out and train to London.

According to schedule - Flight back home.


from €500


  • The price includes VAT.
  • We state that the price is "from" due to variability in flight prices, hotel choice and room type, and any additional extras you may want to add to personalise your trip. We will keep you informed of the final price to avoid surprises.
  • There is no minimum number of places required for the trip to go ahead. You will travel regardless.
  • The maximum number of places for the Bath part of the trip is limited to 20 people, due to the space available in the garden of William and Caroline Herschel’s house. For the Stonehenge part of the trip, there is no limit on places.
  • The final price includes: return flights, travel insurance, accommodation in a shared double room, breakfasts, city transfers, entry to Stonehenge and the Herschel Museum of Astronomy, and private observation.
  • The previous price does NOT include: airport transfers, sightseeing tours, meals and dinners, and generally, anything not mentioned in the previous point.
  • The above schedule is subject to changes beyond our control.
  • The final date to book your place will be 1st December 2024.
  • To reserve your place, you will need to complete the booking form AND MAKE A PAYMENT OF €500. Your place will not be guaranteed until the reservation amount is received. We do this to protect those travellers who are genuinely interested.
  • If, when you sign up, there are no places available, you will be placed on a waiting list.
  • We are sorry, but we cannot control the weather. London in winter = uncertainty. We hope to enjoy both the presence of the Sun at the solstice and the stars in Bath. However, we are not responsible if these activities are cancelled due to bad weather.
  • If you cancel your trip without justification, you will receive a refund of your reservation, except for amounts already incurred and non-refundable (flights, hotels, train and bus tickets, etc.).
  • If your cancellation is for a justified force majeure reason, we will refund 100% of your reservation amount up to the day of the trip (subject to the conditions of the travel insurance you purchase with us).

Other matters

  • Remember that the United Kingdom is not part of the EU. To enter the country, you need to have a valid passport with an expiry date after 23/06/2025. If not, renew it before you travel.
  • If, due to your nationality, you need to apply for a visa to enter the United Kingdom, make sure to arrange it in advance. We are not responsible for any inability to enter the country due to issues beyond our control.