Welcome to the era of Astroreservas

A new era is born for a new profile of traveler. Passionate about science, explorer, researcher... A select traveler who not only seeks rest and entertainment but also educational and enriching experiences that allow them to better understand the Universe. A traveler like you.

The era of astronomical travel

We create trips with astronomy and astrophysics as the fundamental axis. Trips where we discover not only other skies: cleaner, darker, from other latitudes and other times... Trips where we delve into the knowledge that other cultures had of the Universe. Trips of unique moments: eclipses, alignments, transits... Trips to the most cutting-edge astrophysical facilities and to aerospace events that will mark the history of Universe exploration. In our trips, at least one expert in the theme always accompanies us, who participates with us and transmits their knowledge to us in a close way through talks, debates, informal meals, excursions...

Trips for professionals and advanced amateurs

Our trips are specialized and of high quality. That's why they are not suitable for everyone. They are not suitable for the general public or those interested in "that thing about the stars," as they would get lost in the explanations of our experts. Our trips are intended for a professional audience (astronomers and astrophysicists) or advanced astronomy enthusiasts who already have sufficient knowledge to enjoy the astronomical sessions and astrophysical talks of our experts.

Are you one of these travelers?


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