About us

Astroreservas was born as a travel agency in October 2023 out of a passion for exploring both the world and the Universe.

The goal of Astroreservas is clear: to create astronomical journeys for both amateurs and professionals in the field of astronomy and astrophysics.

Our trips are...


Expeditions to those places on the planet that are set to witness unique astronomical events: solar and lunar eclipses, planetary transits, star occultations by asteroids, polar auroras, and many more.

These expeditions are also journeys to the Earth's remote corners, where light pollution doesn't reach, allowing us to marvel at the Universe in all its splendor: deserts and islands are our favorite locations.

During our expeditions, we invite a local scientist to accompany us, unveiling the science behind the phenomenon we are observing, sharing the current state of their research, and discussing future challenges. We engage in excursions, meals, and visits with this expert to ensure continuous learning throughout the experience.

We aim for these expeditions to serve as an excuse to explore new cultures and places. Discovering their culture, customs, and cuisine is an integral part of the journey.


Visits to get up close to the major astronomical and astrophysical facilities scattered around the world: professional astronomical observatories, space centers, and agencies.

The goal is to understand, guided by their researchers, the significance of these complexes for the comprehension of the Universe and its exploration.


Conferences provide specialization. In them, we choose a specific theme and invite various local astronomers and astrophysicists to give us lectures, workshops, debates, and courses to delve deeper into a particular aspect of astronomy and astrophysics, acquiring new skills and knowledge.

These conferences are complemented by night observations, visits to astronomical points of interest, and excursions to explore the local natural and historical culture.

Our team

Alejandro Catalá Espí

Founder of Astroreservas, telecommunications engineer, Master's in Astrophysics, Master's in Big Data Science, and Ph.D. in Physics.

He has worked for the Center of Astrobiology (CAB-INTA), the University of Leicester (UK), and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA).

Passionate about astronomy and discovery journeys.